When Social Accounts Work: Evidence from Ultimatum Games
This paper examines the mitigating effect of social accounts on retaliatory behavior in a mini-ultimatum game setting. Results from games with 108 German high school students support the hypothesis that an ex ante informational and sensitive message can decrease an individuals' negative perception of an unfair offer and increase the acceptance of the outcome. Furthermore, the moderating effect of gender on retaliatory behavior is investigated. We show that an informational and sensitive message makes more of a difference for women in accepting unfair distributions than it does for men.
منابع مشابه
Subgame perfection in ultimatum bargaining trees
In typical experiments on ultimatum bargaining, the game is described verbally and the majority of subjects deviate from subgame-perfect behavior. Proposers typically offer significantly more than the minimum possible and responders reject “unfair” offers. In this work, we show that when the ultimatum bargaining game is presented as an abstract game tree, the vast majority of behavior is consis...
متن کاملSocial Preference, Incomplete Information, and the Evolution of Ultimatum Game in the Small World Networks: An Agent-Based Approach
Certain social preference models have been proposed to explain fairness behavior in experimental games. Existing bodies of research on evolutionary games, however, explain the evolution of fairness merely through the self-interest agents. This paper attempts to analyze the ultimatum game's evolution on complex networks when a number of agents display social preference. Agents' social preference...
متن کاملDistributive and reciprocal fairness: What can we learn from the heterogeneity of social preferences?
This study evaluates people’s concerns for distributive fairness (equality of outcomes and payoffs to those worse-off) and reciprocal fairness (receiving what one is due based on one’s past actions) using dictator, ultimatum, and trust games. In the dictator games we classify individuals’ preferences as self-interested, inequity averse, efficiency maximizing, or compassionate social surplus max...
متن کاملAn Aspirations Model of Decisions in a Class of Ultimatum Games
We propose a novel model of aspiration levels for interactive games, termed economic harmony. The model posits that the individuals' levels of outcome satisfaction are proportional to their actual outcomes relative to their aspired outcomes. We define a state of harmony as a state at which the interacting players' levels of outcome satisfaction are equal, and underscore the necessary condition ...
متن کاملThe Social Ultimatum Game
The Ultimatum Game is a key exemplar that shows how human play often deviates from “rational” strategies suggested by game-theoretic analysis. One explanation is that humans cannot put aside the assumption of being in a multi-player multiround environment that they are accustomed to in the real world. We introduce the Social Ultimatum Game, a multi-player multi-round version of the classical Ul...
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